Diveagar : A Beautiful Beach Town

Having delivered a couple of films, and a hectic round of pitching etc, we decided in November last year, to drive down to Diveagar and Harihareshwar. The drive itself was extremely scenic, and we booked ourselves at the MTDC ‘Exotica’ in Diveagar. We were very apprehensive about the quality of stay and food, (we always look for a clean, dry room with a non-smelly dry toilet, but it seems its too much to ask for in most places) but were pleasantly surprised. More so with the food. Not having much time on hand, we stayed only for a night at Diveagar, and left the next morning for Harihareshwar. We really wished we had spent another day at lovely Diveagar though. Its a tiny but beautiful sleepy little beach town, and we had one of the most amazing meals at a home stay kind of place called ‘Patil’s’.

The drive through coastal Maharashtra is divine, and I hope it never becomes too touristy.

We had the most amazing experience on the way back, via Pali (since we don’t like driving on NH17, we are always looking for alternate routes). The sun had set and the remaining light was fading fast. While driving, we saw a shadow fly past us and overtake our Skoda Yeti. We slowed the car to realise it was a Barn Owl, which had sighted a rodent on the road ahead. I stopped the car so as not to disturb the hunt, and also to get a better view. The Owl swept down and landed in a pool of light from my Yeti’s headlamps for its kill. A few seconds of chase, and the Owl flew away with its dinner. We were too mesmerised to even think of taking photos. Moments like these make such road trips unforgettable.



Panoramic shot on the way. Frequent photo opportunities like these make the journey more fulfilling.

MTDC ‘Exotica’ in Divegar is a fabulous stay option with an enviable location right next to the beach.
The pathway inside the MTDC ‘Exotica’ Diveagar.
The MTDC at Divegar was a surprisingly good stay. Called ‘Exotica’, it has cottages you can rent, each with its own super tiny balcony.
The dining hall has a nice festive feel…
Dinner at MTDC ‘Exotica’ Diveagar was surprisingly good. We were actually pleasantly surprised.
The MTDC ‘Exotica’ is great to walk around after dinner.
The moon through the clouds. A beach is even more beautiful on a moonlit night.
The next morning we headed straight for the beach, and it was gorgeous.
Early morning at the Diveagar beach, with its palette of pastel shades.
A Lesser Sand Plover (Charadrius leschenaultii)


A Lesser Sand Plover (Charadrius leschenaultii)


On the Diveagar beach.
Unfortunately the beach is also cluttered with garbage.
A Jungle Myna (Acridotheres fuscus) at Diveagar.
We came across a bush full of these butterfly caterpillars.
A quaint old convenience store run by a charming old gentleman.
A typical traditional house in Diveagar. The sloping roofs help in this area of heavy rainfall.
Leaves, Diveagar sea front.
Walking through the by lanes of Diveagar. We can only imagine how beautiful this must be in the monsoons…
Lunch at ‘Patil’s’ in Diveagar was one of the most memorable coastal meals we have had. Highly recommended.
Fishing boats lay ready to deplete our marine life… we must find a solution for sustainable fishing.
The beach on the way to Harihareshwar from Diveagar.
The beach on the way to Harihareshwar from Diveagar is so beautiful and pristine. We hope it never becomes touristy.
A panoramic shot of the beach on the way to Harihareshwar.
The drive to Harihareshwar.
The beautiful rock face at Harihareshwar is carved by thousands of years of water and salt in the air.
Thats me on the right walking on the rock surface at Harihareshwar.
Harihareshwar has one of the most amazing sea fronts. The beach is actually a rocky surface.
Another photo from the drive.
The drive back to Mumabi via Pali was equally stunning.


[box type=”success” width=”100%” ]Getting there: Diveagar is easily accessed via NH17 from Mumbai. The highway is unsafe and annoying, so we generally take the Pune Highway (NH4) and cut right Bhor to come back on NH17.

Where to stay: MTDC has a beautiful resort ‘Exotica’, right next to the beach. The rooms are reasonably clean and dry. The beach too is clean, but we avoided it at night as we saw groups of people entering the beach to get drunk. Food at MTDC was surprisingly nice, and lunch was fabulous at one of the village home-stay kind of restaurant.

When to visit: December and January are pleasant. Monsoons are very heavy so plan just after the monsoons. Summers are terribly hot, from March-June. Then again from September till about mid November.

What to do: Nothing. Sit around, laze, read a book, walk on the beack in the morning and evening (day times become too hot).


15 thoughts on “Diveagar : A Beautiful Beach Town”

    • Thanks Rajshree! Since we took a much longer route, photographing along the way, stopping at every quaint chai tapri, it took us some 11 hours. The distance via NH17 (Goa Highway we don’t recommend it) is much less, aroun 180km, so should take around 4-5 hours.

  1. When you say take NH4 and cut across Bhor, can you elaborate ? Where do you rejoin the NH17 ?
    I too find the NH17 maddenning to drive on, (although after the 4 laning it will become somewhat better in the future)

  2. Great post!!…There are lot of information regarding the place given in this blog and it has become eazy to visit the place without any hesitation that it is a new destination for us…Cherrs!!


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